Mr Stephen Liang
Assistant Executive Director
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Dr Toby Chan
Managing Director
Regent Lane Limited
Dr Goh Chin Foo
Director, Knowledge Transfer Office
City University of Hong Kong
Mr Edmond Lam
Director, Knowledge Transfer Office
Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms Stella Law
Executive Director
CHFT Advisory and Appraisal Limited
Ms Anita Leung
David Lo & Partners
Dr David Leung
Head (Smart System and Project Development), Office of Knowledge Transfer
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Mr Michael Lin
Board Member, President
International IP Commercialization Council
Ms Vivian Lin
Chief Operating Officer, Funding Schemes, Funding Scheme Branch
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Mr Chun Wai Ling
Des Voeux Chambers
Dr Lewis Luk, MH, JP
Chief Executive Officer
Lusignan Group Limited
Mr Simon Mak
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer
Ascent Partners Group Limited
Mr Eric Or
Head of Ecosystem Development
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation
Ms Tracy Pang
Assistant Director, IP and Licensing,
Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr Wiley Pun
Partner, Advisory
Grant Thornton Advisory Services Limited
Ir Dr Alfred Tan
Deputy Director, Technology Transfer Office
The University of Hong Kong
Ms Annie Tsoi
Partner, Intellectual Property
Mr Kelvin Wong
Director, Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof Kenny Wong
Chairman, Intellectual Property Committee
The Law Society of Hong Kong
Mr Richard Wong
Director of China Global Solutions

HKGCC IP-backed Financing Working Group
Mr Simon Wong, MH, FCILT
Chief Executive Officer
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited
Mr Kam Hung Yu
PSA (HK) Surveyors Ltd.
Ms Vivian Yu
Chief Intellectual Property Examiner (Strategy)

Intellectual Property Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region