Mr Yi Xiaozhun
Former Deputy Director-General, World Trade Organization
I think BIP Asia Forum is very important to show that countries pay more attention to intellectual property protection. BIP Asia Forum is a kind of showcase that Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland or even Asia as a whole is transforming from a manufacturing centre to innovation centre.
Mr Francis Gurry
Former Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization
Dr Shen Changyu
Commissioner, National Intellectual Property Administration of the People’s Republic of China
Mr Miguel Ángel Margáin
Former Chair, Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Mr Jack Chang
Former Chairman, Quality Brands Protection Committee, China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment
Dr Benjamin Bai
Former Vice President, Chief IP Officer, Ant Financial
Dr Udo Meyer, DE
Former Senior Vice President and Head of Global Intellectual Property, BASF SE
Mr Toshimoto Mitomo
Executive Vice President, Intellectual Property Department, Sony Corporation of America
Mr Christian Frey
Senior Manager Industry Affairs, Siemens Smart Infrastructure
Ms T. Maria Lam
Vice President, Intel Legal Department, Intel Corporation
Mr Roger Martin
Former Senior Vice President and Chief IP Strategist, Qualcomm Incorporated
Mr Keith Bergelt
Chief Executive Officer, Open Invention Network
Mr Kenneth S. Korea
Former Senior Vice President and Head of US IP Center, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.